According to "Svaboda" mass arrests of employees took place at the plant "Gomel Casting and Normal", which is part of the holding "GOMSELMASH. It is known about 14 detainees.
"OMON arrived in vans right on the territory of the plant. They grabbed people very hard. They put them on the asphalt, broke their hands and handcuffed them," a source told Svoboda. According to the source, 14 people were detained that way.
Video of "working out" of 30 people in Gomel appeared in Telegram-channels associated with the security forces. They were checked "for support of extremist formations" and "connections with foreign members of extremist formations were revealed. Twenty people were put on trial.
It is known that the vast majority of the detainees were sentenced to 15 days of arrest. Relatives of the detainees report that they do not receive any transfers for "political" in the Gomel department of the Temporary detention facility.
"The detainees were given no water or even toilet paper," say the interlocutors.