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Workers’ rights in Belarus – the topic of the meeting between representatives of Salidarnast and UIL

Yesterday, May 31, an official meeting took place between Maryia Taradzetskaya, Deputy Chair of the Association "Salidarnast" and Deputy Chair of the Belarusian Free Trade

Union (SPB), and Pierpaolo Bombardieri, General Secretary of the trade union confederation Unione Italiana del Lavoro (UIL).

During the meeting, the representatives of Italian and Belarusian trade unions discussed the complicated situation of workers’ rights and freedom of association in the Republic of Belarus. The chairman of the Italian trade union pointed out that the Italian trade unions are closely following the situation in our country and express solidarity with the Belarusian workers.

Pierpaolo Bombardieri expressed his respect for the union leaders and workers who continue to defend the interests and rights of workers in difficult times. In addition, UIL is ready to cooperate in the long term with both the Association "Salidarnast" and the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP), and to give its full support to the release of trade union prisoners and the democratic transition in Belarus.

Unione Italiana del Lavoro (UIL) is the national trade union federation of Italy. It was founded in 1950 as a socialist, social democratic, republican, and secular organization, separate from the General Confederation of Italian Trade Unions. It currently represents the interests of nearly 2.2 million workers.

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