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Solitary picket in handcuffs: "I'm still in pain. I still want to speak."

Former political prisoner Anastasia Bulybenka, a member of the Free Trade Union of Belarus (SPB), previously sentenced to 2.5 years in the "students' case," held a solitary picket in Vilnius on the third anniversary of the elections in Belarus.

Anastasia Bulybenko // photo - gazetaby
Anastasia Bulybenka // photo - gazetaby

- I am standing here because I am still in pain. I'm standing here because I still want to speak. I want to spill out all this pain and for more people to learn about the situation in Belarus, because it's very important," said "Salidarnastsi" Anastasia, whose hands are handcuffed during the action. - After I was imprisoned for two years for my vote, I still have it and want to use it.

Nothing is over for me yet because it's still going on. The fact that I am safe now doesn't solve anything at all in a global sense.

Anastasia Bulybenko // photo - gazetaby
Anastasia Bulybenka // photo - gazetaby

I read the news every day, my girls are still in the colony, I have nightmares... What kind of an end can it be?

The former political prisoner went to the square in Vilnius with posters with figures on the number of political prisoners in Belarus and the phrase "Violence. Cruelty. Pain." The girl's hands were handcuffed.

Source: Gazetaby

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