At least 6 people were detained for subscribing to "extremist" telegram channels at the Lida enterprises of JSC «Lidakhlebaprodukt» and JSC «Lakafarba», the Telegram channel «Detentions, Courts in Lida» reports.

Yesterday, September 6, two large enterprises of Lida, JSC «Lidakhlebaprodukt» and JSC «Lakofarba», were raided - at the latter, 6 workers were detained for subscribing and distributing «extremist» materials. Today, September 7, it became known that the detainees were released, having received fines from 10 basic units and more.
It is also reported that about 30 more people "remained in question". And a message appeared on Lakofarba's official Telegram channel with a demand to check the list of extremist materials on the Ministry of Information website.