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Convicted trade union leaders of the REP were transferred to the colonies

It became known that political prisoners Vasil Berasneu, Hennadz Fiadynich and Vatslav Areshka were transferred to colonies to serve their sentences. Fiadynich was transferred to Babruisk colony No. 2, Berasneu - to Mahiliou colony No. 15 and Areshka - to Shklou colony No. 17.

Hennadz Fiadynich, Vasil Berasneu and Vatslav Areshka

It is worth noting that all three were convicted in January of this year in the case of the REP union. Fiadynich and Berasneu were sentenced to 9 years in prison, while Areshka - to 8 years. On 31 March the Supreme Court started considering their appeals. Despite the fact that the defense of the political prisoners opposed the verdict, the court panel decided to leave the decision unchanged. Thus, all complaints were rejected.

Political prisoners are not only subjected to unfair judgments, but also become targets for harassment even after being sentenced. Recently the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus published a list of citizens who, according to the authorities, were involved in extremist activities. Vasil Berasneu, Hennadz Fiadynich and Vatslav Areshka were included in this list, as well as all the convicted trade union activists.

The situation of political prisoners in Belarus raises serious concerns among the international community and human rights organizations. They draw attention to human rights violations in the country and demand from the Belarusian authorities to stop mass repressions and release all political prisoners. The question of violation of workers' rights and persecution of trade unions was brought up at a conference of the International Labor Organization.

Right now there is an international information campaign - "Trade Union Activity - Not Extremism!". Thousands of trade union leaders and activists from around the world demand the release of Belarusian trade unionists, an end to repression in the country, and the restoration of trade union activity in Belarus.

It is important that the international community does not remain indifferent to what is happening in Belarus. Only by working together can we achieve changes in the country and protect human rights. Take part in our campaign and sign the petition.

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