In July 2023, 32.6% of Belarusian citizens registered a decrease in income, according to the survey of the country's economy, conducted by the Belarusian Economic Research Center BEROC.
This figure is the lowest since the beginning of the Monitoring.
According to the results of an online survey conducted among households, 50.5% of respondents noted a decrease in their incomes due to rising prices, while 28.6% believe that changes in the exchange rate of the national currency against foreign money also affected their financial situation.
It should be noted that this is the lowest value since December 2021. In addition, 34% of respondents expressed a negative assessment of the current economic situation in Belarus.
Today BEROC is the leading independent academic research center in the field of economic research in Belarus. BEROC conducts academic and applied research, organizes educational programs on modern economics and carries out other relevant activities.