On November 30, human rights activists reported the detention of at least five people. Their names are being specified
Searches are carrying out in the homes of the detainees. It is known that one of the detainees is Sergei Erofeev.
Presumably, they have been active since the 2020 elections. There is also unverified information that the detainees are accused of leaking information to the “Black Book of Belarus” and the comments of the security forces or officials.
Remind you, that it has recently become known that the data of 8.5 to 10 thousand people who sent information to the “Black Book of Belarus” in the period from September 1, 2020 to May 23, 2021, could fall into the hands of the security forces
Human rights activists call on everyone who during the mentioned period communicated with the channel "Black Book of Belarus" or was somehow connected with it to take care of their safety. First of all, change your phone number and delete your old Telegram account. Another recommendation is to leave the country if possible.