"Gewerkschaftsarbeit ist kein Extremismus!"
Die Kampagne fordert die Freilassung der Gefangenen, die aus politischen Gründen oder wegen ihres gewerkschaftlichen Engagements einsitzen. Und wir fordern ein Ende der Repressionen gegen Gewerkschaftsaktivist*innen sowie die Wiederherstellung von Garantien, damit sich unabhängige Gewerkschaften wieder legal betätigen können.
Organisiert wird die Kampagne von dem Verein „Salidarnast“, der Gewerkschaftsaktivist*innen unterstützt. Die Kampagne beginnt am zweiten Jahrestag der Zerschlagung unabhängiger Gewerkschaften, die das Lukaschenka-Regime 2022 anordnete. Die Kampagne erfolgt vom 19. März bis zum 22. April 2024. Das Ziel ist, die internationale Öffentlichkeit auf die Probleme aufmerksam zu machen, die es hinsichtlich der Rechte von Gewerkschaften in Belarus gibt. Und es sollen Lösungswege aufgezeigt werden.
19 April 2025
Day of Action for Trade Union Rights and Democracy in Belarus
On April 19, the "Day of Action for Trade Union Rights and Democracy in Belarus" will take place, demanding the release of Belarusian trade union leaders who are currently imprisoned.
Under Lukashenko’s rule, four independent trade unions (BNP, SPB, SPM, and REP) and the BKDP Association of Trade Unions were forcibly dissolved, and its leaders were arrested in 2022. As of today, around 30 trade union leaders and activists remain behind bars, while nearly 100 trade unionists have been imprisoned at some point. Many of them have been labeled as extremists or terrorists—a tactic used to strip them of their rights and keep them under constant surveillance, even if they are released.
The campaign is organized by Salidarnast e.V., BKDP, and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). You can publicly support the movement for independent trade unions and democracy in Belarus and condemn the harsh repression faced by Belarusian workers.
We encourage you to join the campaign by doing one of the following:
Demand the release of trade unionists
Send a letter to the Government of the Republic of Belarus and hold actions in front of Belarusian embassies in your countries demanding access to and release of the incarcerated union leaders including Aliaksander Yarashuk, BKDP President, ITUC Vice-President, and a member of the ILO Governing Body.
Submit Letters on the ILO Resolution
Send letters to your national governments, urging them to implement the ILO resolution adopted at the International Labour Conference in June 2023.
Request details on actions taken within cultural, economic, trade, and scientific cooperation with Belarus.
Demand diplomatic efforts for access to imprisoned trade union activists and their release.
Take part in thematic meetings
on Belarus
Urge national representatives, tripartite partners, and UN agencies to participate in a high-level thematic meeting on Belarus before the International Labour Conference, as decided by the ILO Administrative Council.
Demand that Belarus respects ILO supervisory body recommendations and ensures that trade unions remain independent from government control.
Organize the participation of national representatives in the meeting on Belarus
Arrange meetings on human rights due diligence with employers and governments in Belarus.
Analyze supply chains, financial services, and business operations involving Belarusian enterprises.
Take action to leverage pressure to stop rights violations.
Record a Video Message of Solidarity
Record a message of solidarity with Belarusian trade union leaders, stating that trade union activity is not extremism.
Call for freedom of association, democracy, and the release of imprisoned trade unionists in Belarus.
Share your message with the hashtags: #FreeBelarusUnionists #BelarusWorkersRights #April_19 so we can amplify it.
Join an online meeting to discuss the Belarusian issue
Participate in an online meeting to discuss the situation in Belarus and coordinate international solidarity actions.
Wir rufen alle auf, sich unserer Kampagne und unseren Forderungen anzuschließen. Wir müssen uns zusammenschließen, um unsere Rechte zu verwirklichen und angemessene Arbeitsbedingungen für die Werktätigen in Belarus zu erreichen.
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Kontakte zu Partner*innen für weitere Informationen / Feedback
Lizaveta Merliak, +4915203268972, liza.merliak@gmail.com
Maryia Taradzetskaya, +491637892590, traxy1988@gmail.com
Zeitrahmen der Kampagne
1st of March 2025 – 22th of April 2025